Emily Kaine, M.D., is Senior Vice President, Global Health, for USP — providing vision, strategic leadership, and operational focus to USP’s Global Public Health team.
In this role, Dr. Kaine also rallies support for the organization’s growing portfolio of programs and initiatives aimed at addressing global health challenges through technical training, regulatory assistance, collaboration, knowledge sharing, and capacity building. Dr. Kaine has over ten years of strategic planning and leadership experience in healthcare and pharmaceuticals. Before assuming her current role, Dr. Kaine led USP’s Strategy and Business Development division for two years.
Prior to joining USP, Dr. Kaine led strategic planning for several service lines at Carolinas Healthcare System (CHS), the largest healthcare provider in the Carolinas. She also held leadership positions in both the Global Pharma Strategy and Business Unit Planning groups of Novartis Pharmaceuticals and Novartis Oncology, respectively.
Dr. Kaine’s consulting work included three years as a consultant at McKinsey and Company, where she supported a variety of private and public sector healthcare clients in the U.S. and abroad — including health systems, payors, and pharmaceutical and medical device manufacturers.
Dr. Kaine earned her Doctor of Medicine Degree from Columbia University and completed her surgical residency at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania.